Our Vision for the Curriculum at Croscombe Church of England Primary – Let your light SHINE
Croscombe Church of England Primary School strives to be an inclusive community where children SHINE. We value each child as an individual with a unique potential for learning. Their natural curiosity is fostered through a creative and ambitious curriculum that excites and challenges; and enables all to be independent learner. Our curriculum nurtures and prepares children educationally, socially, morally and physically for their continuing learning journey, where doors will be opened rather than closed to future success. Supported by a culture of equality and aspiration, we aim to remove disadvantage so that every child believes in themselves and can thrive. Through our curriculum children develop an understanding of citizenship and are empowered to make valuable contributions locally and globally.
Our curriculum is seen in its widest sense as the entire planned learning experience. This includes formal lessons as well as events, routines, and learning that take place outside the classroom. It aims to:
- Provide a broad and balanced education for all pupils that is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively acquiring sufficient knowledge for skills and future learning and employment.
- Enable pupils to develop knowledge, understand concepts and acquire skills, and be able to choose and apply these in relevant situations.
- Support pupils’ physical development and responsibility for their own health and enable them to be active.
- Ensure equal access to learning for all pupils, with high expectations for every pupil and appropriate levels of challenge and support.
- Have a high academic/vocational/technical ambition for all pupils.