Welly Wednesday
As a school, we are committed to providing a rich and diverse curriculum at Croscombe that meets the needs of all our children and ensures the best possible coverage across a range of subjects. As part of this commitment, the Croscombe Curriculum is under constant review to ensure it continues to inspire and engage our learners effectively.
From January, we will be making a slight change to our Welly Wednesday provision. This change will further enhance the learning experience and incorporate a broader range of creative subjects, such as music, within our creative Wednesday afternoon planning. We will be adopting a Daisies/Sunflowers rotation approach during the Spring term whilst still offering a whole school session at the end of a half-term block. This means that children will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, both outdoors and within other creative experiences within the school setting, as well as continuing to benefit from sharing a whole school experience.
We are excited about this development and confident that this approach will enrich the children’s learning and enjoyment as well as building on the fabulous Welly Wednesday experience. Thank you for your continued support as we work to provide the best possible opportunities for your children.